Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First full day of CST

My first full day of CST was not very exciting. Basically, it was a lot of hurry up and wait for nothing. I was up @ 0445 and did an hour of PT! Breakfast/then a bunch of meetings and getting to know our way around. Lots of paperwork and planning for the 22+ training days. The CC (LtCol Lehman) is the Senior officer and I am the Senior Enlisted for 139 persons. We are working closely with the liaison persons between the AF and ARMY. Tomorrow is nothing but in-processing/equipment check and a meeting with the Brigade Commander (Senior Army Leader here).
Everyone seems to have made it here now - we will find out for sure in the morning during our first full formation.
I'm living in a WWII barracks and my room is VERY cold! The weather has actually been pretty nice during the day! Although the air temp is only in the 40's during the day, you don't need a jacket and it feels comfortable to stay outside. The bad part is sleeping. I hope it warms up a little inside tonight. I like it cool for sleeping, but not THAT cold!
We did get a spectacular view of Mt. Ranier this evening as the sun was setting. It was beautiful and you can see it pretty well from our main camp area. I tried to get a picture, but I couldn't figure out the right camera settings till it was too late. I'll try again and post a picture if I can get one.
Internet is goofy here - sometimes in/sometimes out - and when it's in, it's not very good - even with my phone.
I'll keep posting as often as I can - it's late and I have to get up early - more coming soon! :-)
Thanks for all the comments -
Janet - thanks for the offer to DVD the game - but to be honest, I didn't have time to watch it live and I really won't have time to watch the DVD - but thanks for the very kind offer.


  1. I have been checking your posting, and happy to know everything is going great for you. I will keep your dinner on hold until you return. Lillian and I are praying for your safe return. She almost walking with any help.

  2. Dear Mark, Hope you are thawed out and the nights are getting warmer. Thinking of you and you are also in our prayers.

    Love, Mom/Dad

  3. Hey Mark.. I need to see that speedtest up/dnload so we can get on a network improvement plan.
    best wishes
