Monday, March 23, 2009


This is for Doug and anyone else who knows anything about INET speeds

Last Result:
Download Speed: 94 kbps (11.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 7 kbps (0.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

What is more disturbing than anything else - this particular Internet package is the "Premium" service and costs $100 per/mo.

When you quit laughing, send me a note... :-)



  1. Hey Mark,
    Ouch.. For a moment I thought you were either here on the 15th floor at 1600z or in Afghanistan!

    Not to make you feel bad, but checking my cell phone speed just gave me 198.6kbps dnload with a nifty 47kbps upload! :-D

    Glad you're feeling better.

    Take care,
    Brgds / Doug

  2. Hi Mark, We put Dad on the plane to MQT. I will be here 3 more weeks. Al is doing great-no walker or any other help. Gladsyou are feeling better, Will keep praying,
    Love Mom/Dad

  3. must be killing you . . . makes me appreciate the speed we have here.
